Join us this Sunday, September 12, 2021
at 11am EST for our FREE Tai Chi class in
Central Park in New York City at Pinebank Arch.
We begin with some QiGong warm-ups and then
proceed to learn the basic Tai Chi form
starting with basic principles and postures
Then unto a sequence of 13 movements
repeated in 4 Directions
This class is great class for Beginner and Intermediate levels.
Here is what you will learn: CLICK HERE
Our in-person location is in New York City/s Central Park
at Pinebank Arch, located less than 200 feet from the
Columbus Circle entrance/
Here is a google map to get directions: CLICK HERE
DON’T FORGET to RSVP no later than Sunday morning at 9am EST
RSVP by texting (212) 581-2640 NO LATER that 9am on Sunday.
ALSO REGISTER AT to receive all future announcements: